If you have any other questions, please contact us.
Q. Do you charge for packaging and handling? A. No. But don't expect logo laden or other fancy packaging material.
Q. |
How are your shipping charges calculated? |
A. |
For domestic shipping use the following schedule by weight (lbs). 0.1 to 3 = $5 3.01 to 10 = $11 10.01 to 30 = $14.50 30.01 to 45 = $29 45.01 and up = $43.50
For international shipping use the following schedule by weight (lbs). 0.1 to 3 = $11 3.01 to 10 = $22 10.01 to 30 = $39 30.01 to 45 = $49 45.01 and up = $80 |